Competition is fierce, how will your venue stand out from the crowd? Venues who turn a genuine passion into a point of difference create memorable experiences and make it easy for customers to make the right choice.  I myself had a memorable experience recently, when I least suspected I would.

A few months ago my large extended family were holidaying together at a popular seaside spot.  When it came time to choose a place for dinner we needed something to cater for the whole family aged between 2 and 70.  We made a ressie at the pub in town, too easy.  First impression was that the pub was nice enough, spacious and clean but, at first glance, nothing to distinguish it from any other modern pub.  My brother-in-law went to get drinks at the bar and he came back very excited, the pub had his favourite craft beer on tap.  I went to get a drink and saw that they actually had several craft beers on tap.  As I ordered my own craft beer to go with my chicken parmy, I complimented the barman on the pub’s good taste in beers.  It turned out the barman was the Publican.  We started chatting and he shared his and his sons’ passion for local craft beers.  After a while he suggested I buy a “tasting plate” of craft beers, served on a polished plank from the original floorboards of the pub and organised in optimum tasting order.  Always keen to try something new, I quickly handed over my credit card for Paywave and was given an astoundingly beautiful board with an assortment of amber-coloured liquids.  As I marched through the dining room, brandishing my prize, all heads turned, eyes grew wide and a murmur passed through the room.  Soon every table had a tasting plate of their own.

Dad was the first to whip out his phone and take a snap to post to social media.  This turned out to be a memorable dining experience that, in the intervening months, we have often fondly recalled.  The pub was doing lots of things right, but somehow this was … more right.  I had been sold a story, an idea.  I spent money on something I didn’t know I wanted and my adventurousness was rewarded.

What is your venue’s point of difference?  There are so many ways you can make your venue stand out from the crowd, they are:

  • Price
  • Variety
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Availability
  • Convenience
  • Customer service
  • Your story (how, why or where you do business)

The story was the thing that convinced me.  Your venue’s point of difference could well be something else but, whatever it is, make sure you are doing the other bits right too.  Having an amazing wine list won’t overcome poor service or terrible food.  This venue had found their own point of difference which made them stand out from the crowd.  But I couldn’t help wondering … were they marketing their unique offer effectively?

Check out Part 2 of STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD to see how your venue can let people know how amazing you are.