The Australian economy is continuing to show signs of recovery for the first time since the pandemic first caused everything to close down all the way back in March. This recent upward trajectory in sales is due to the easing of restrictions which has given consumers a reason to start spending more. After all, many spent much of lockdown building their savings. Restaurants, cafes, pubs, and clubs throughout the country are all hopeful that the increased spending over the upcoming Christmas period will provide their bottom lines with a much-needed boost.

Hospitality sales during Covid

According to ABS, declining commuter traffic throughout the country as people started and continued working from home has had a major impact on the restaurant market. Cafes are also feeling the same impact thanks to fewer commuters having lunch meetings or grabbing coffees each morning before work. In fact, the total revenue from hospitality in Australia as a whole during the 2019-20 financial year was reduced by a quarter since 2018-19.

Nationally, restaurant and café patronage has slowly been returning to pre-COVID levels. Throughout October, we saw slightly higher sales than we did in October 2019. In fact, it’s looking like these sales figures will continue rising again in November and December. This is especially true considering Christmas season is almost upon us, which will both combine to deliver another solid boost to sales totals for the food and beverage industry.

Given everything we’ve had to battle in 2020, these national sales figures for the hospitality industry are very encouraging as they’re now at the highest levels we’ve seen since mid-March. Plus, most experts are predicting that we’ll see financial results rise exponentially over the next month. This is due to the increased levels of freedom providing us with the opportunity to visit cafes and restaurants with friends and family over Christmas, which is historically when hospitality venues make the most money each year.

Looking towards the future

The forecast for hospitality in Australia as a whole is that it will not only recover from this pandemic, but it is projected to increase steadily over the next five years. And rising interest in “foodie” culture, healthy eating, and other trends are anticipated to increase revenue growth within the industry, boosted by the demand for premium products sold at higher margins.

Those restaurants who have a loyal customer base will most likely find themselves in the best position to make it through the storm. But, no matter what approach restaurants and cafes decide to take, one of the biggest hurdles using the right tools to attract diners who have been isolated at home for much of the year.

As the situation caused by Covid-19 continues to evolve, we’re already seeing the preferences and behaviours of consumers change. While it seems like everything is slowly getting better each day, it’s possible life may never return to how they were before the pandemic. In no way does that mean doom and gloom. It simply means that, much like it always has, the hospitality industry will continue to adapt and find new ways of generating revenue and profits.


H&L POS – working with you to help you grow your business 

H&L POS has been delivering POS solutions with extensive back of house and staff management systems to the hospitality industry for more than 30 years. As hospitality people at heart, H&L understand the critical requirements for each food and beverage operation. We have staff in every state of Australia providing direction and advice as you grow and as technology changes.

Call us at 1800 778 340, email [email protected] or fill in the form below to discuss your venue’s needs.