Australians are the fourth largest users of mobile phones in the world with 9 out of 10 now owning a smartphone. Our mobile devices have become a trusted accessory which we are relying on more and more. We’ve seen online food ordering grow to a $2.6 billion industry in Australia, with one in ten of us ordering our lunch and dinners online at least once a week.

The COVID-19 pandemic has already vastly changed the restaurant landscape, and as we begin to approach some form of ‘new normal’, the ability for people to order food with minimal human contact will be more important than ever.

The good news is that we’re already accustomed to ordering food this way from our smartphones (be it for delivery or at the table itself). Providing this service to your customers will therefore help you comply with social distancing rules but also give customers something they increasingly expect.

Ordering at the table is convenient, easier, and puts control of food and drink orders in your customers’ hands, making the customer experience seamless.

Your guests can access your specific “order at table” service by scanning a QR code which identifies their location within your venue. It requires no download, making it easy for your customers to find and use.

Venues could also embed their Order at Table URL into their own NFC stickers for customers to tap the NFC sticker with their mobile device to launch the Order at Table URL.

What benefits does it give your customers?

  • Convenience – puts control of food and drink orders in customers’ hands.
  • No waiting or having to line up for service – customers can relax, enjoy time with family and friends, order at the table, and be served their dishes.
  • Customers can order at their pace – no pressure to make decisions in a hurry.
  • Social distancing measures can be observed more easily, as and when required.
  • Transact at the Table – the entire transaction is completed on the web-based app. After the order is placed, credit card payment is made and an email receipt is sent. Customers are free to enjoy the evening and leave when they want.
  • Customer delight – it appeals to a demographic that is technology savvy


The impact on customer service and being able to differentiate yourself as a venue

Venue managers are concerned that ordering from tablets or mobile devices at the table doesn’t present an opportunity to provide good customer service, or to upsell by discussing the meal with the customer. But the opposite is proving to be true.

Most restaurants have the following priorities in this order:

  1. The quality of the food
  2. The overall experience at the venue
  3. Requirements post COVID-19
  4. The customer service experience

By providing an order at the table service, staff can focus on delivering good food, quickly and efficiently, improving the customer’s overall dining experience. Looking at the stats above, this is what people want.

What benefits does it deliver to your venue?

Increase in revenue: faster table turnover

For restaurants doing multiple sittings in one night, table turnover is faster and therefore revenue improves. For this particular restaurant ordering at the table increased their restaurant’s gross income by 5 to 10 per cent and their table turnover by 7-10 minutes.

Increase in revenue: larger food orders

Ordering at the table is like having an open tab – people will order food progressively over their sitting. Restaurants have stated that people order significantly more by ordering at the table. The same would occur in a front bar or more casual setting

Increased accuracy of orders

Human error is natural and there is one less human step in this transaction, resulting in increased accuracy of orders to the kitchen. This also means that the kitchen can quickly communicate any changes to the menu or items no longer available.

Reduced labour costs

Less staff are required to provide customer service while the venue continues to provide the same service level if not better.

Reduced congestion at the bar

Customers don’t need to come to the bar, as they order on their mobile device at the table.

Learn More 

H&L POS integrates with third-party apps

Offer your customers choice and flexibility with an Order at the Table service.


H&L POS – working with you to help you grow your business
H&L POS has been delivering POS solutions with extensive back of house and staff management systems to the hospitality industry for more than 30 years. As hospitality people at heart, H&L understand the critical requirements for each food and beverage operation. We have staff in every state of Australia providing direction and advice as you grow and as technology changes.
Call us at 1800 778 340, email [email protected] or fill in the form below to discuss your venue’s needs.