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Are you making the most of your POS? H&L’s touchscreen POS solutions are designed to facilitate the fast, accurate recording of transactions. You and your staff can effortlessly tailor each order to the individual customer’s exacting requirements be it soy milk, gluten free bread or jacket potato and steamed veggies instead of chips and salad.

In this way the customer’s experience at your venue has been dramatically improved, but this is just the beginning of how your POS can improve your venue’s efficiency and profitability. Are you using all of your POS’s features to maximise your venue’s efficiency and profitability? Here are H&L’s top tips for making the most of your H&L touchscreen POS:


One simple way you can improve your efficiency is to change the keyboard of your POS so that the tiles are organised with your bestsellers front and centre. It may seem like a simple thing (and it is super easy to do on your H&L POS Keyboard) but adjusting your keyboard to show your bestsellers will shave valuable seconds and minutes from each transaction. Do seconds and minutes matter? When it comes to a high volume of transactions then those seconds and minutes add up. Why wouldn’t you do it? It’s as simple as programming your keyboard from the Sysnet toolbar. Need to customise the keyboard for each individual part of your business? Easy, just select the right location for your customised keyboard. Get on it today, you won’t regret the moments it takes you!


Your H&L POS can prompt your staff to upsell on transactions. It’s a simple tool to improve your venue’s profitability by upping customer spend on transactions. Depending on your venue’s brand, you could pair high profit margin drinks, house specials or appetisers with your bestselling menu items. Enter prompts in the POS and train your staff on how to soft upsell to improve your venue’s bottom line.


Every POS transaction provides you with valuable data. With a touch of a button you can monitor sales by site, by revenue group, by location, by product, by staff member or by transaction. It’s just that easy with H&L’s reporting solutions. I personally get excited about data, even though it usually tells me what I already know, or at least suspect. As a bit of a statistics nerd, I think there’s just something thrilling about a comparative operational graph. I like to base my decisions or proposals to management on some rigorous data: no need to guess what the bestsellers are, here’s a snazzy report showing favourites for time of day, day of the week or even by season. Data represents the key to maximising your venue’s profitability, as it allows you to identify and target areas for improved efficiency and cost savings.

Capitalise on your investment in technology. The H&L POS is reliable, beautiful and is easy to use while being super sophisticated. There’s so much more you could be doing with your POS to improve your venue’s efficiency and profitability, so customise your keyboard to suit your venue’s needs. As always, the H&L team are here to help if you need a refresher.


H&L POS – working with you to help you grow your business
H&L POS has been delivering POS solutions with extensive back of house and staff management systems to the hospitality industry for more than 30 years. As hospitality people at heart, H&L understand the critical requirements for each food and beverage operation. We have staff in every state of Australia providing direction and advice as you grow and as technology changes.
Call us at 1800 778 340, email [email protected] or fill in the form below to discuss your venue’s needs.